Assignment—Active Reading

You need to be pro-active in developing your language skills and expanding your vocabulary. Set aside time every day for self-study—whether in the SLZ, at home or on your smartphone—to read from newspapers and journals You are expected to read articles (outside of class reading assignments) from business journals daily. Every week, from the texts that you read, choose the one that you found most interesting. Then...

  1. print out as much of the text as will fit on one side of one page. If the story doesn't fit, leave off what doesn't fit. Make sure to include the headline at the beginning. Bring the text to class and collect these articles in a folder to show for credit at the end of the semester. Also keep a list of the useful expressions you've learned to review later so you don't forget them. On the text, underline any points of language or vocabulary that have caught your attention, and be prepared to ask questions and discuss in class the articles you've read.
  2. So we can reference your work in class, please login at this page and fill out the short form every week.


Good online sources of texts would include: